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11 4 4 3 ;"PRESS A KEY" 2 1987 S.A.E.C. 2 1 you started off in! 1 when the bee drops it to see thecity defences. Drop telescope after use. 1 vents and pull plug. 1 until train arrives then go south. When the train passes thecity hall station wait till the next station then pull cord. Go N,D,W,U. 1 the game authors or is it just adeal that he creates popularity in a game that has been cupboardstored for the past 100 years bytelling all the answers. In thatcase they must pay him. 1 on the south platform then standon the north platform carrying nothing. Pull lever to go to thetop of the tree (this works as you weigh approx 5 objects and the heavier platform goes down. 1 many joysticks I must have made look like the yoke of a Pan Am jet, playing Hypersports! 1 go to the bank. Go to lost property for any objects that the grumpy robot took. Go to theDIY for the screwfinger and thengo to 46 to buy a house and finally 116 to buy a travel pass(which will cost the remainder of your money). 1 give me that rubbish about not reading the whole solution. You either read a whole solution or you have to rip out the page andburn it. Then you're still back with the same stalemate you 1 g)gNgegrg{g 1 friends. The game has taken a year of solitude and dark evenings to write and the only friends our hero has don't even know that he is still alive. 1 find out floor numbers to stores. 1 burned. Now find the spade and dig to the west of where you find it. 1 Z$=" " 1 You cannot go to Carpathia. Thisis supposed to be another game which has not been released as yet - ""Three Days In Carpathia"". 1 When moving outside the window and near the hotel, wear shoes. 1 VALKYRIE 17 1 To get the can of lemonade, pourpoison. 1 Third question. Why does every- body want to write their own adventure? Yep. Gilsoft and Incentive must have made a fort-une out of their adventure writ-ing utilities. 1 The butcher needs a lead box. 1 The book is in the room south ofthe small room where you tied the sheets to the bed to get outof the hotel. 1 TOP 10 CHART 1 TEXT 1 So if you want to make money outof adventures you know what to do. Start writing about them. 1 Red Herrings:- Geranium Tent Watch Seaweed Fire Leak Junkie Tramp Nest. 1 Radsuit and go south to the roomwith the soft leaves and wait (do not sleep) to avoid being 1 RETURN TO EDEN 1 Oh boy, all this recent mag workis playing hell with my amount of sleep. I might be appearing in Sinclair User this month or next with an article on Play By Mail. There might even be a chance of a regular column too! 1 ODDS & ENDS 1 Nope. The only benefits I can find I get from adventure games is the opportunity and reason towrite silly articles like this in highly profitable adventure magazines like this. 1 No, adventures were invented to make magazine editors rich and also to raise the blood pressure of half the computing world. It's no wonder that we goback to blasting, gobbling and decking for a bit of relaxation. 1 NEXT MONTH 1 Melbourne House should just haveabout ready Shadows of Mordor, the second part of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Programmed byBeam Software, it will cost `7.95. 1 LOADER 1 I see that Windbag Wilson was moaning sour grapes over the ageof some of my solutions (No 12).I would point out that I give what is commanded of me and at least the solutions are MINE andI don't steal tips like some people I could mention...hint...hint. 1 HINTS ON 1 Gqd-Nqd/Uqd0\qdhcqd 1 GIFT OF 1 For all you Silicon Dream players, here's the solution to part 2, Return To Eden which wasthe first Level 9 game to contain those awful graphics we know so well.Y 1 First question. Why on earth didanybody invent adventures? I mean, us normal types without anIQ of 150+ always get stuck on the second problem in an advent-ure i.e. what to do after the first location. 1 Enough of this big headedness and onto this months subject. What can I prattle on about in this months issue? I could try something about ADVENTURERS themselves. O.k. that's that settled. 1 E$=" 1 Do not bother crossing the ice lake until you have the diamond. 1 Delta 4 are working on Piranha'slatest adventure The Big Sleaze. It is based on 1940's Hollywoodthrillers. With a bit of luck wewill be publishing an interview with Delta 4 next month.P which should bring you bang up to date with theor activities. 1 DRAGONSLAYER 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 CODE 1 C$="We review adventures from TartanSoftware, yes, they're Scottish,how did you guess, and Mystic, asoftware house in Northern Ireland." 1 C$="We have lots of hints, tips and solutions for you from the quills of our intrepid adventurespecialists." 1 C$="There is a great adventure for you to play." 1 C$="The Dragonslayer speaks..." 1 C$="See you next month," 1 C$="Jason Roseaman" 1 C$="HINTS ON VALKYRIE 17" 1 C$="For all you Silicon Dream players, here's the solution to part 2, Return To Eden which wasthe first Level 9 game to contain those awful graphics we know so well." 1 C$="Chart compiled by Steve Tate of Glasgow Charts" 1 C$="BY JASON ROSEAMAN" 1 C$=" All this and lots more in the July issue of Spectrum Adventurer." 1 Another release from Melbourne House is Doc the Destroyer. Doc is a mixture of arcade and text adventure and is controlled by choosing options from a menu by means of a joystick. Doc the Destroyer costs `7.95. 1 Adventure X 1 ;"STOP THE TAPE": 1 ;"P-00{00} TAPE 13 1 ;"NEXT MONTH": 1 ;"MacGregor": 1 ;"JUNE 1987" 1 ;"IS LOADING": 1 ;" ": 1 9 control room carrying the rad-com, after buying the house and becoming mayor. 1 9 Swords & Sorcery 1 8 Moron 1 7 The Sidney Affair 1 6 The Pawn 1 5 Dracula 1 4 Imagination 1 3 serfs tale 1 28) Yobbos: Sneak south along the tunnel to avoid them. 1 2 Matt Lucas 1 10 Grange Hill" 1 +t9tNtVtbtmtyt 1 +d3d:dAdJdVdbdidpdwd~d 1 (9) Radiation sickness: Eat pillwhen you feel sick. 1 (8) Leviathan: Give fish fungus. 1 (7) Bird: Take sweet pea at the cliff then drop it again when the bird arrives. Now plant egg at cliff for houseplant. 1 (6) See bee: Examine telescope 1 (51) The end: Find the Snowball 1 (50) Stratoglider: Pull starter to reach Snowball. 1 (5) Helicopter: Wait when you hear the noise. 1 (49) Spacesuit: Wear leotard andhelmet. 1 (48) Once outside Habivoron: Go D,W,W,N,(open door),E. 1 (47) Habivoron: Kick mushmat to get a plate. Go to the shower and drop the plate over the grid. Open grille with screw- finger. 1 (46) Go to the spaceport and enter bus. Take radcom and leavewhen bus arrives. 1 (45) Seat of power: Wear visor, Look at (number between 1 & 6) and blink. 1 (44) Corridors of power: Go N,W,N,E. 1 (43) City hall: Vote yes for yourself and go into the corridors of power. 1 (42) WARNING: Don't visit the Hospital, Dentist or Charity. Goto the Police for identity, then 1 (41) Shops: If you wanted to go to room 41 You would Press 0, Press 1, Press 4. Dentist - visit 8 Bank - visit 28 Police force - visit 135 Estate agents - visit 46 & 116 Charity - visit 31 DIY - visit 58 Hospital - visit 69 1 (40) Station platform: Wait 1 (4) Objects: Eat bean to carry more. 1 (39) Little chef: Go in, say yes and insert card. Drop koala at statue. 1 (38) Washing powder: Tear powderfor ticket. 1 (37) Sands: Take off any clothesand dig. 1 (36) Casino: Board riverboat. Bet either red or black for first 6 spins then stop as the game is rigged as you won't win anymore. 1 (35) Park: Examine and listen to 1 (34) Open grating with cutters instead of giving card. 1 (33) Busker: Give credit card, otherwise see 34. 1 (32) Godfather and Bodyguard: Throw the flask of water at the godfather to get the credit card back. 1 (31) Derelict Robots: Push the pillar. 1 (30) Root room: Carry roots to enter. 1 (3) River: To cross the river you need the stem and tubers, (they act as boat and paddles). 1 (29) Big Robot: Give credit cardthen go south and east into the 1 (27) Graunch the golem (Answers)Legs belong to MAN Rich man wants NOTHING Cold blooded things are TREES The Blind god is LOVE You all know NEWS The healer is TIME Unfelt thing is LIFE The pet is FIRE The genii is COMPUTER 1 (26) Underground river: Carry seed and stone fruit to swim under city wall. 1 (25) Wheat: Stay away, there is no way to avoid being shot. 1 (24) Beach: Wait for Autoscythe to arrive then board it. Leave when it reaches the other bank and wait for the weeder then wait once more before boarding it. Leave when it gets to the other side. 1 (23) Mines: Carry cherry and shoot catapult to explode all the mines. 1 (22) Cloak: Wear cloak to be hidden from towers. 1 (21) Bug: Carry it to confuse the sensors. 1 (20) Ants: Carry stalk and twigsthen go to ants and play stalk to get the ants to follow you. Go to the fence and go east, (ants will smash fence). 1 (2) Animals: Drop the radsuit and the animals will stop attacking you, (the radsuit makes you look like a robot). 1 (19) Catapult: Attach bandto wishbone. 1 (18) Fragile branch: Glue branchwith berry, (you can now cross carrying one object). 1 (17) Platforms: Drop 6 objects 1 (16) Quicksand: Drop cold leaf to pass quicksand. 1 (14) Tangled roots: Dig here to get your roots. 1 (13) Low branch above woodpile: Throw the cling vine to allow passage upinto the tree. 1 (12) Balloons: Pull balloons. 1 (11) Island: Go to island and squeeze log to grow bulb. Take shoot and jump down. 1 (10) Parrot: When he takes one of your objects go to the north bank then N,E,W,S, to the nest and take objects. After you visit the nest the parrot will leave you alone. 1 (1) Snowballs engines: Enter thecupboard and take Radsuit, Geiger counter and compass. Move outside and east to the molehill. Dig and go down and east to the large dome. Wear 1 (!5) Cold leaf: Wear foxgloves to carry the cold leaf. 1 '"To use the telescope, drink can,insert ring pull." 1 '"To get out of the hotel go to the end of the corridor, open window, out, south, in, tie sheets, out, down." 1 '"Here's some good news for fans of Scott Adams. US Gold has released Scott Adams Scoops. This is a collection of four text only adventures - Pirate Adventure, Voodoo Castle, Strange Odyssey and Buckaroo Banzai. And the cost of this collection? `9.95." 1 '"Do not wear shoes when swimming." 1 '" 1 Kobyasi Naru 1 "rr )rr#0rr$7rr%>rr,Err.Lrr 1 !v`6\#6Y##6 1 For most amateur writers, their games are never seen by the public. Don't tell me that even if a software company does-n't use the game, our hero can always give copies to his 1 1987 S.A.E.C." 1 We then spend a fortune tryingto find a magazine that has printed the answer. Only problemhere is that the whole solution is usually given and now your great new game that cost `14 hasno real challenge. And don't 1 So the verdict is that advent-ures were not invented because everyone got fed up gobbling (oris it Goblin in a mag like this)power pills, blasting invaders and decking the decathalon. How 1 Second question. How do cleverbalrogs such as John Wilson knowall the answers? Does he bribe 1 I suppose it must be the stress of completing over 100 adventures (is that a FAST car Ihear pulling up outside his drive? Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum). 1 Another thing, has Monsieur Wilson got an identity problem or something? (Definitely some- thing.) Maybe he has a split personality. He insists on call-ing himself the Bird AND the Balrog when we all know that he writes the column on his own. 1 RESET YOUR COMPUTER AND LOAD"""" FOR THE DR GOO ADVENTURE 1 Z 1 Jd 1 " 1 R! 1 " 1 Bp 1 1